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SVBA Volunteer Agreement

As a member of Single Volunteers of Baltimore and Annapolis and/or by participating in an event sponsored by Single Volunteers of Baltimore and Annapolis, I agree to the following:

I hereby release Single Volunteers of Baltimore and Annapolis (herein after "SVBA") and its administrators, team leaders, organizers, volunteers, and any other person or persons acting on behalf of Single Volunteers of Baltimore and Annapolis from any claims arising from my volunteer work with SVBA.

I also agree that SVBA holds no responsibility for the outcome of any relationship that may or may not form between myself and another person that I might meet through SVBA. In accepting a date or otherwise agreeing to meet with another member either during a SVBA-sponsored volunteer project or social, or on my own time, I take sole responsibility for any actions that might occur during that date or meeting, and agree to hold SVBA free from any liability.

I agree not to initiate any claim against SVBA resulting from either volunteer, social, or dating activities.

I also agree to abide by all SVBA member rules and responsibilities.